Using a sychronous peer learning system fueled by the changes brought about in the post-pandemic world, YTC is uniquely positioned to offer an exciting approach to STEM education and societal reform.
This combined with our in-person mentoring and educational modules gives us the chance to make our students into teachers, while they continue their own path to a better future
Learn More About Our Three Platforms
of YTC Educates
More than 65% of students will work in jobs that don’t even exist today. YTC prepares them for that future by getting them excited about where technology can take them through hands-on, skills-based learning, and how their efforts can benefit others through community-based advocacy.
YTC delivers technology-based, workforce development programs through clubs, camps, and competitions that connect to reach thousands of students every year, with a primary focus on people of color who are
underrepresented in the field today.
Peer-to-Peer Goes Virtual
and Youth Technology Corps goes Arduino
During the 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic, YTC pivoted when we launched our virtual synchronous peer learning model. We were inspired by the 2017 launch of our Arduino Curriculum. It was mastered by our students who successfully facilitated virtual instruction for students and teachers in our partner clubs in Durango Mexico in 2018.
By 2021, with advances in virtual learning technology, a handful of trained YTC student instructors taught twenty-five new students our new Arduino Curriculum.
Then last summer 25 YTC student-teachers are facilitating classes for over 100 students from seven states and nine organizations, with children aged seven to seventeen.
Also in early 2022 our Intro to Engineering with Arduinos was assessed by Harvard's PEAR Institutes STEM OUTCOMES AND QUALITY assessment tool, where we exceeded the national average in seven of ten categories

Current Arduino Virtual Training
Provided by YTC@Morton East
International Connection

The Exciting News about this spring's Intro to Engineering Program is that our Ethiopian partners at Haile-Manas Acadamey are not only learning our modules, but they will also be teaching the class to local middle school students this summer in Ethiopia.